How new Yearn Vault strategies are endorsed?


Marco Guaspari Worms


February 2, 2022

Strategy Vetting Process

In the last article about Yearn Vaults and Strategies we have briefly outlined the Strategy Vetting Process. We’ll now dive deeper into how anyone can propose a new strategy to Yearn and what steps are taken in order to ensure that endorsed strategies are resilient.

Quick recap: a Strategy is a contract that will invest and harvest profits using yVault’s funds.

Before submitting a strategy to be endorsed by Yearn the strategist should write a Due Diligence document about it: SNX is a good template to follow. The Due Diligence document is important because it describes all specifications of the processes that a strategy uses and reviews smart-contract common security practices. Yearn will use this document to validate processes and assess risks of what was built!

Some of the things the doc should outline are:

The strategist can code a strategy using the “brownie-strategy-mix” template repository. When the strategy is completed and reviewed by 2 peers it should be deployed on which is a website that allows experimental vaults to be tested in a production environment. vaults warning!

With the document done and after some harvest cycles are completed successfully with no issues, the strategist can now reach for Yearn contributors to get the strategy approved by the Safe Farming Committee. A complete security review will be done by internal Yearn reviewers.

After every feedback is addressed and code is approved, the strategy can be promoted to production either by redeploying and attaching to an existing vault or by endorsing the ape tax vault.

The strategy is now endorsed and live in!!

From now on the strategist + any supporting committee will be rewarded with a 10% performance fee from the vault’s strategies yield. Since security is a high priority concern we expect to raise monitoring and auditing frequency as the strategy scales in Total Locked Value:

For more information on how strategies are developed and endorsed you can read these documents:

Producer: Worms, Reviewer: Wavey

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